Empower Field Sales Operations with B2B Store Infrastructure

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Field Sales Structure

The B2B Store field sales system serves as a catalyst for empowering field sales representatives within the firm, fostering a dynamic and adaptable trading environment. Collaborating seamlessly with the B2B Store e-commerce infrastructure, field teams have the capability to monitor real-time data flow and access inventory information simultaneously. The B2B Store field sales structure enhances the agility of field crews, enabling them to offer various promotions, such as discounts, to defined dealers. This integrated approach ensures that field sales representatives have the tools and information needed to optimize their sales efforts and deliver tailored promotions to dealers.

Field Sales Structure Features

1. Special Discount and Pricing

In the realm of e-commerce processes, the ability to apply discounts or adjust prices in real-time is crucial when a customer representative visits their designated region. The B2B Store field sales structure addresses this need by empowering customer agents to promptly offer on-the-spot discounts based on the currency and adjust product prices as necessary to facilitate immediate sales closure. This feature grants special discount and pricing authority to the customer representative, and its activation is controlled by the company. With this capability, field sales representatives can swiftly respond to customer needs, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of sales transactions during on-site visits.

B2B Store Special Discount and Pricing

2. See Identified Dealers

The B2B Store field sales management seamlessly integrates with the ERP system, ensuring complete synchronization of all dealers defined for customer representatives in both platforms. This integration ensures that all dealers assigned to customer representatives in the ERP system are automatically mirrored in the B2B Store e-commerce system. Consequently, when customer representatives access the B2B Store e-commerce system, they are presented with a personalized view, showcasing only their defined dealers. This focused visibility streamlines the workflow for customer representatives, allowing them to concentrate exclusively on their designated dealers and execute various transactions promptly and efficiently.

B2B Store See Identified Dealers

3. See the Reports of Defined Dealers

Within the B2B Store platform section, customer representatives have the capability to track information, generate reports, and perform essential controls for the dealers they have defined. The advanced reporting structure of B2B Store provides comprehensive sales reports, offering insights into the performance of both customers and dealers. This robust reporting functionality empowers customer representatives to access detailed information, enabling them to make informed decisions, analyze trends, and effectively manage their dealer relationships through the B2B Store platform.

B2B Store See the Reports of Defined Dealers